Passage of the bill against degrading labor

17/07/2009 06h05

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) has passed on Wednesday (15) the Bill 2108/03, from the member of the chamber Walter Pinheiro (PT-BA), which prohibits Brazilian or based on national territory entities or companies from establishing contracts with companies that exploit degrading labor in other countries.

The proposal now follows for Federal Senate evaluation.
According to the bill, slavery, forced labor, child labor and unlimited working hours are considered as degrading labor, such as all the other types mentioned on international agreements, treaties and acts ratified by Brazil.

According to the rapporteur on the committee, the member of the chamber Luiz Couto (PT-PB), Brazil cannot condone any longer with companies that use this type of labor, even on other countries.

"This bill is a sign that we are moving forward. We have a lot to do yet, but it is already an important step since the International Labor Organization demands from Brazil a wider action for completely extinguish slavery from our country."

The companies’ inspection will be on charge of the Public Defense Office, the Ministry of Labor and the civil society, under the human rights defense movement.
The responsibility of evaluating the situation of the company with registered office abroad, according to the project, is of the national companies. In the event of the breach of the law, the Brazilian entity or company will be prohibited of signing contracts with public agencies, entering into biddings or benefiting from public resources for a period of five years.

Reporting- Karla Alessandra/Rádio Câmara/SR
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Carolina P.C.M.