Parliamentary pressure postpones Catholic Church Statute vote

17/07/2009 06h05

The vote of the agreement between Brazil and Vatican, related to the Catholic Church Statute on Brazil, was postpone to August 5th, due to parliamentary pressures opponent to the proposal. On Wednesday (15), the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense debated the rapporteur decision, member of the chamber Bonifácio de Andrada (PSDB-MG), favorable to the text.

Polemic cause, especially the forecast of religious education on public schools, but also the document constitutionality was also questioned. The member of the chamber Arlindo Chinaglia (PT-SP) was one of those who argued that the agreement harms the Constitution, mainly on what is referred to religious education.

The member of the chamber emphasized that the agreement was signed by the Brazilian State and the Holy See, and there is not any other church that is represented by the State. Accordingly, he argued that Brazil will not be able to sign agreement with any other religious profession. "I wonder if this is fair and in fact legal” The Constitution says that it cannot be distinction among the Brazilians”.

Also on the member of the chamber Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR) opinion, this international agreement opposes to the constitutional text, in addition of representing Catholic Church privileges foremost others religious professions. For him, the test opposes to the article 19 of the Federal Constitution, which prohibits dependency relations or alliance with religious professions by the Brazilian State.

“The own rapporteur stands out this alliance, saying that the agreement is a type of international quality judicial-religious alliance, exactly what is prohibited by the Constitution”, ponders.

On the member of the chamber Marcondes Gadelha (PSB-PB) opinion, although, there is not any attempt against the State secular principle. “The text subordinates each article, each paragraph, and each line to the Brazilian civil legislation”, contended.

Secular State
The agreement’s rapporteur, member of the chamber Bonifácio de Andrada (PSDB-MG) does not see on the text any attempt against the Political Letter. For him, "the Constitution on term emphasizes the need of international relations with all population and accepts an approximation with all religious". In his opinion, the Secular State concept “fully cohabits with churches through agreements, compositions and arrangements”.

The member of the chamber Aldo Rebelo (PCdoB-SP) said that the agreement justifies itself by Catholicism contribution to the Brazilian people formation. "Along with the Portuguese State, it was the Catholic Church which created the first Brazilian School, the “Pátio do Colégio”, in São Paulo, to educate indigenous", recollected. The member of the chamber yet highlighted that the priests also taught Africans slaves to read and write.

Controversy aspects
Towards the deadlock situation, the members of the chamber contrary to the agreement proposed to the rapporteur to change the text at the controversy aspects. The member of the chamber Pastor Pedro Ribeiro (PMDB-CE) affirmed that, in contrast to what sometimes is argued, agreements texts can be changed by representatives. According to him, what cannot be changed is the message text. Once it is transformed into bill, the proposal can undergo to representatives’ intervention. "On The Floor, representatives can present up to three types of amends”, contended.

Pastor Pedro Ribeiro said, including, that has already advised the president to remove this message, “to avoid coercion”. “I advice the removal because, even if approved, the proposal will not be it integrally”. On The Floor, we are going to amend and I convicted that amends are accepted”, assured.

The representative argued yet that nowadays the Country has 70 millions of non-catholic. And added: “these people are all awake, and not manifesting. A huge political disadvantage composition for them”.
Bonifácio de Andrada answered that does not see himself with enough power to change the text, since it is submitted by the Executive and built by many government agencies. Towards the argument, Dr. Rosinha committed to negotiate with the government the possible changes.

Reporting - Maria Neves
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Carolina P.C.M.