Government will send bill to broaden foreign funds on aviation

17/07/2009 06h00

The Ministry of Defense’s Civil Aviation Secretary, brigadier Jorge Barreto Nery, reported on Wednesday (15) that Conac approved, at its last meeting, the increase of foreign participation at aviation companies from 20% to 49% of total air companies shares with the right to vote. With the approval by Conac, the proposal will be sent to the Congress where it should be ordered as a bill.

According to the brigadier, there is nowadays a consent about this foreign participation increase. In spite of capital facilitation at these companies, the brigadier explained that it is not in consideration the participation of completely foreign companies at the aviation between two Brazilian cities. The statements were made at public hearing to discuss the foreign participation on air transportation and regional aviation services provider companies focused on Brazilian Amazon.

The debate was promoted jointly by the Committee on the Amazon, National Integration and Regional Development; by the Committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Industry; and by the Committee on Transportation; and by the Aeronautical Brazilian Code Special Committee.

The meeting was founded for clarifying to the representatives that analyze the Bill 2452/07, which proposes a serial of modifications on the current Aeronautical Brazilian Code.

The bill rapporteur, member of the chamber Rodrigo Rocha Loures (PMDB-PR), praised Conac’s decision and promised support to the proposal. He considers the current air code an old-fashioned rule, which needs to be reviewed to stimulate development, even to prepare the Country to receive the 2014 World Cup.

The Presidency of the Republic Strategical Matters Secretariat’s representative, Daniel Augusto Vila Nova, supported the proposal and reminded that on the last decade 13 airports on Amazon where closed due to technical problems or lack of lines.

Other models
Profited by the idea of broading foreign participation, the member of the chamber Vanderlei Macris (PSDB-SP) proposed to put in consideration the models practiced on Australia, New Zealand and Chile as a possibility to Brazil. All these countries allow 49% of foreign funds participation for companies with foreign connections, but, in very specific situations, allow up to 100% of foreign funds to companies doing domestic flights.

"It always has been thought that the treatment to be given to the aviation was national security. But others areas considered important, such as telephony and banks already allow good foreign funds participation. I think we can evolve a little more on this matter and open more than 49% for domestic flights", said.

The Civil Aviation National Agency Air Services’ superintendent (Anac), Juliano Alcântara Norman, in turn, informed that one possibility is to soften the funds to more than 49% only to the countries that expand this limit. Accordingly, the negotiation would always happen by reciprocity between the countries without prejudice to any of them.

Reporting - Juliano Pires
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Carolina P.C.M.