Committee approves Unasur treaty creation

24/07/2009 06h10

The Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defence approved last July 15th the Constitutive Treaty of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur), provided in Message 537/08 of the Executive Branch. According to the rapporteur, Representative Marcondes Gadelha (PSB-PB), the treaty represents a milestone in the history of relations between the South American States, "due to the novelty, extent and complexity of its objectives".

The treaty is comprised of 27 permanent articles and 1 transitory article. Unasur will aim to implement a comprehensive integrated and united area. Such integration will comprise the cultural, social, economic and political context, prioritizing social policies, education, energy, infrastructure, financing and environment.

The general objectives are to eliminate socioeconomic inequality, encourage social inclusion and citizen participation; enhance democracy; and reduce asymmetries to enhance the sovereignty and independence of the States.

Financial integration
Among the specific objectives it is noteworthy the financial integration, to be carried out by the adoption of apparatus consistent with the economic and fiscal policies of the member states. Among the targets there are also:
- eradication of illiteracy;
- protection of the biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems;
- development of concrete and effective apparatus for overcoming the asymmetries;
- consolidation of a South American identity;
- universal access to social security and health services;
- cooperation regarding migration;
- sectoral cooperation as apparatus for enhancing the South American integration;
- exchange of information and experiences in defence.

The organization will have as bodies Councils of Heads of State and government; Ministers of Foreign Relations; Delegates; and a General Secretariat. The South American Energy Council, implemented by Declaration of Margarita, 2007, is considered part of Unasur. The creation of a Parliament is also envisaged.

Historical discussion
Gadelha emphasizes the importance of the creation of Unasur, remembering the process of regional integration since its beginning, with the Amphictyonic Congress of Panama, from 1826, convened by Simon Bolívar. The idea of creating the entity started to gain strength in the First Meeting of South American Presidents, held in Brasília, in 2000.

The integration, Gadelha reminds, was set up by the declaration signed by the presidents of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay and Venezuela, in December, 2004, known as Cusco Declaration.

The effective integration, according to Gadelha, will go through the further convergence between Mercosur, Andean Community and Chile; through the physical, energy and telecommunication integration of all the countries of the region; through the harmonization of policies for rural development and agri-foodstuffs; and through technology transfer.

Controversial points
The Representative emphasizes, among the points he considers controversial, the creation of a Parliament. Despite complying with the inclusion of a Parliamentary body, the norms provided in the treaty do not reflect political relevance and the prominent role played by this body. In addition to proposing the improvement of the text, Marcondes Gadelha says that it is necessary to include the Mercosur Parliament in the list of Unasur bodies. The Representative also considered precipitate the setting of the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia, as seat of the Parliament.

“In short, we advocate that the creation of the further South American Parliament is performed by an Additional Protocol to the Unasur Treaty and that such provision be object of negotiation in the scope of a committee comprised, exclusively, of Representatives with Term of office and from member States’ National Parliaments”, he stated.

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship will now analyze the proposal, before being voted by the The Floor.

Reporting – Vania Alves
Edition – Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation – Grupo Solucion/Thamara Mello