President of Parlasul calls for commercial sanctions against Israel

19/01/2009 05h05

The President of Mercosul Parliament, the Brazilian Deputy Dr. Rosinha, defended last Wednesday (15) the adoption of commercial sanctions against Israel by the international community, because of the military attacks against Palestinians in Gaza Strip. Since last December 27th, during almost three weeks of attacks, the Israeli army has already killed more than 1,000 Palestinians and hurt approximately another 4,000. According to medical sources at Gaza strip, at least 40% of the casualties were civilians.

“In order to force an effective cease-fire and prevent new attacks in the future, Israel should be the target of immediate economic sanctions by the other countries and by the blocs of the international community. We have been seeing so far resolutions of the UN being ignored, while the massacre goes on”, assesses Dr. Rosinha.

Dr. Rosinha also revealed that he will work against the approval, by the National Congress, of the message addressing the free-trade between Mercosul and Israel. That agreement was signed in December 2007 and has been processed in Brazilian Legislative since last October.

In March 2008, the Brazilian deputy had already presented, in the scope of Mercosul Parliament, a proposal for a relative recommendation to the agreement Mercosul-Israel. “On the opposite of what the European Union and Canada did, when they signed treaties with Israel, Mercosul is not prohibiting the import of products from the illegally occupied territories. The current text of Brazilian Constitution does not allow the Legislative to veto any agreement, but we can simply leave it in the drawer or, in the specific case of that one with Israel, we can insert limiting conditions”, observes Dr. Rosinha.

From the newsroom/PCS
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda