Parliamentary Forum will discuss the regional integration and migration

21/01/2009 05h00

Deputies and senators from Brazil and from several countries will meet in Belém from 28 to 30 January, at the World Parliamentary Forum – an event that is held concomitantly to the Social World Forum. Among the subjects being discussed are the economic and regional integration, the role of the regional parliaments and the world migratory movements.

Multilateral commerce, projects on development and peace, and safety policies will be debated in the meeting. Subjects related to environment – such as climatic changes, biodiversity and traditional populations – will also be in the agenda of discussions among congresspeople. Another objective of the Parliamentary Forum is to narrow the relationship among representatives of the Legislative Power and the social organizations participating in the World Social Forum.

Future of Amazonia
The Deputy Elcione Barbalho (PMDB-PA), who will participate in the meeting, highlights the importance of the two forums for the future of the Amazon. “We are the spokespeople of what the Amazon needs to develop. The Parliament and the managers need to get involved for us to be able to say what Amazonia wants for itself.”

The Deputy Janete Rocha Pietá (PT-SP) believes that, in addition to environmental issues, the World Parliamentary Forum should also discuss the North-American economic crisis and its influence on developing countries. She believes that the debates in both meetings will focus regional impacts of the financial crisis and the management of Barack Obama, the new President of the United States.

Report - Karla Alessandra
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda