Observers of Mercosul praise referendum in Bolivia

29/01/2009 13h15

The mission composed of observers of Mercosul which followed up on the 2009 Constitutional Referendum in Bolivia, held last Sunday (25), released a note praising the transparency of the event.

The committee was created as a result of a request of the President of the Republic of Bolivia, Evo Morales, and was chaired by the Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR). He, who is also the president of Mercosul Parliament, affirmed that the legitimacy of the Bolivian government is unchallengeable. According to his information, the more than 300 international observers who followed up on the referendum attested that the popular survey was transparent and democratic.

According to extra-official results, around 60% of the electors Said Yes to the new Political Constitution of the State, elaborated by the government Evo Morales. The official result of the referendum should only be released in some days by the National Electoral Court of Bolivia.

Despite the result, the opposition, which governs the four richest counties of the country, in a region known as Half Moon, says that Bolivia is divided. For Dr. Rosinha, the only option to Morales’ opponents have now is a democratic opposition. “When the new Constitution is approved, they will have the specific date and the specific time to measure their political strength. If the Constitution is approved, in December this year there will be presidential elections in Bolivia. It is the moment for the opposition to have their candidates and to see what is the size and the weight of the electoral procedure in Bolivia.”

The new Constitution establishes the possibility for the president to run for two consecutive mandates, which was forbidden before. Thus, it opens the way for President Evo Morales to run again for that position. Last August, Morales obtained 67% of the votes in a referendum called to revoke or to confirm his mandate, his vice-president’s mandate and the one of eight of nine governors of the Bolivian departments.

The text of the referendum also establishes that the 36 original peoples – who lived in Bolivia before the arrival of the European – will have a broad and effective participation in all levels of State’s power and in economy. It also institutes a quota system for congresspeople coming from indigenous peoples.
According to the text, the indigenous peoples will have the exclusive property of the forest resources and rights on the land and on water resources of their communities.

Report - Marise Lugullo/ Rádio Câmara
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda