Labor approves higher wage floor than regional minimum wage

07/01/2009 05h10

The Committee on Labor, Administration and Public Service approved, on the last 17th December, the bill obliging conventions and collective labor agreements to set a wage floor in the same or in a higher amount than the regional minimum wage. Authored by the Deputy Brizola Neto (PDT-RJ), the Complementary Bill (PLP) 282/08, received a favorable opinion from Deputy Paulo Rocha (PT-PA).
The bill changes the Complementary Law 103/00, which determined the establishment of a regional minimum wage. That benefit, though, does not apply to employees with a wage floor defined in a federal law, convention or collective labor agreement. Therefore, the legally defined regional floor “does not guarantee improvements for the categories with a floor which was established in a convention or in a collective agreement”, observes Brizola Neto.

The proposal excludes, though, the workers with a floor established by a federal law. That usually happens with employees of a specific profession. For the rapporteur, “it is not reasonable to establish a differentiated floor, depending on its location in the federative union.

The project was deemed priority character. Before following to the House Floor, it will be reviewed by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ).