Deputies visit Antarctica to get to know research in the region

16/01/2009 05h05

According to NASA, Antarctica has 90% of the Earth's ice, and 70% of pure water


A group of 12 deputies embarked for Antarctica, in a trip which lasts until Sunday (18), to get to know the research developed by Brazil in the iced continent and the structure of the Antarctica Station Comandante Ferraz. The invitation for the visit was made by the Navy, one of the institutions which are developing the Brazilian Antarctic Program (Proantar).

One of the objectives of the invitation is to show the deputies the importance of logistic support to the Brazilian station and to the researches being developed, which address themes such as meteorology, glacier melting, environmental changes and marine streams. The financing of those activities in Antarctica is usually granted in parliamentary amendments to the Union’s Budget.

For the 2009 Budget, the Joint Parliamentary Front on the Support to the Brazilian Antarctic Program guaranteed R$19,000,000 in amendments, to be invested in logistics and in the fomentation to research in that region. The front was created in 2007 and is currently formed by 121 deputies and 56 senators. Its president is the Senator Cristovam Buarque (PDT-DF) and the vice-president is the Deputy Maria Helena (PSB-RR).

The infrastructure of the Brazilian station in Antarctic is in charge of the Navy, while the scientific works are coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Technology, by the National Council on Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and by the Ministry of Environment. The Brazilian research in the continent evolved to a new stage in last November, when researchers of Proantar started a first Brazilian scientific expedition to the countryside of Antarctica.

Parliamentary delegation
The delegation in transit to Antarctica is formed by the deputies: Bernardo Ariston (PMDB-RJ), Bruno Araújo (PSDB-PE), Celso Russomanno (PP-SP), Ciro Pedrosa (PV-MG), Duarte Nogueira (PSDB-SP), Eduardo Amorim (PSC-SE), Gustavo Fruet (PSDB-PR), José Rocha (DEM-BA), Julio Semeghini (PSDB-SP), Manuela D'Ávila (PCdoB-RS), Marcos Montes (DEM-MG) and Raul Henry (PMDB-PE).

In January 2008, the parliamentary group which visited the location was retained for some days because of the bad weather in the region. The deputies represented the Joint Parliamentary Front on the Defense of Proantar.

From the newsroom/PT