Deputies ask ambassadors of Israel and Palestine for cease-fire

07/01/2009 05h35

A group of parliamentarians of several political parties, coordinated by deputies Pedro Wilson (PT-GO) and Paulo Teixeira (PT-SP), is meeting this afternoon with the ambassadors of Israel and of the Palestinian Authority in Brazil to ask for a cease-fire and resumption of dialogue in the search for peace in the Middle East.

The meeting with the ambassador of Israel, Giora Becher, will take place at 15 hours, at the Israeli embassy in Brasilia. The meeting with the ambassador of Palestine, Ibrahim Al Zeben, is planned for 17 hours, in the residence of the ambassador in Brasilia.

Deputies Gastão Vieira (PMDB-MA), Jô Moraes (PCdoB-MG), Rodrigo Rollemberg (PSB-DF) and Marcio Junqueira (DEM-RR) also participate on the group.