Congresspeople demand peace negotiation between Israel and Palestine

09/01/2009 05h00
Jorge Campos
visita israel 
The deputies meet the Israelian ambassador

A multiparty group of deputies asked this Wednesday (7) the ambassadors of Israel and Palestine in Brazil for the resuming of the peace negotiations in the Middle East.

In the document delivered to the embassy of Israel, the deputies demanded the immediate end of the hostilities, the withdrawal of the Israeli troops from the Gaza Strip and the permission for humanitarian aid to get to the victims.

As for the document delivered to the embassy of the Palestine Authority, the deputies showed sympathy for the population of the Gaza Strip and asked for the resumption of the articulations for peace. They also committed themselves to cooperating for the establishment of a world network of solidarity for the autonomy of the Palestinian State and for its peaceful coexistence with Israel.

The documents delivered to the ambassadors were signed by congresspeople from the following parties: PMDB, DEM, and PDT.

Ambassador Giora Becher affirmed that the document will get to the Israeli government this Thursday (8). According to him, Israeli attacks are not aimed at the Palestine population, but rather at the members of the paramilitary organization Hamas, who intend to “destroy the State of Israel and kill the Jews”.

“If we can have peace, it will not be through terrorist organizations, like Hamas, but through the legitimate moderate governments of the Arab world and of Israel”, he said. “We want a long-lasting cease-fire. What we need is the guarantee that the terrorists will never attack Israel again. From the 600 casualties, most of them are Hamas’ terrorists”, he claimed.

According to him, if there is a war it is because Hamas’ terrorists launch rockets attacks against the civil population of Israel. Becher said that “there are always civil casualties in a war”.

Ambassador Ibrahim Al-Zeben thanked the initiative of the congresspeople and accused Israel of making genocide against the Palestinian: “Any attitude helps stop this massacre against our people. There is a humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip, with people without drinking water, fuel, or medicines. Many die for lack of help or medicines, besides the criminal bombing. Nothing justifies this massacre”, he remarked.

Zeben rebutted the version that most of the casualties are terrorists. He affirmed having seen pictures showing that among the victims there are nearly 300 people aged between three months and two years. “Are those terrorist?” he questioned. According to the Ambassador, Palestine does not want a “genocide neighbor”, but rather one that respects the international law.

Humanitarian Aid
Deputy Paulo Teixeira said that the priority at this time is to guarantee humanitarian aid. “One of the demands is the immediate cease-fire, so that doctors can help people that are wounded and the supply of energy and food is resumed”, he explained.

According to him, it is also necessary that an international peace force is sent to the area to mediate the conflicts. “We went to the embassies to make clear the desire of peace of the Brazilian people, who are shocked with the images of the war. The conflict affects civilians, children, women and the innocent”, added Paulo Teixeira.

For Deputy Pedro Wilson, there is no question about the solidarity of the Brazilian congresspeople to Palestine. “But, at this time, we also want that there is a mediation to establish the cease-fire and create the possibility of a dialogue”, he concluded.

Report - José Carlos Oliveira/Rádio Câmara
Edition - João Pitella Junior/Rejane Xavier
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda