Concession of work visas in Brazil can be automatic

12/01/2009 05h15

According to the deputy, specialized foreign technicians give support and updating to Brazilian workers

The Bill 4156/08, proposed by the Deputy William Woo (PSDB-SP), grants to all companies operating in Brazil for less than two years the right to obtain the automatic concession of work visas for foreign professionals, in the proportion of up to 5% of the total amount of their Brazilian employees.

The author argues that the procedure for the granting of work visas is currently very slow and bureaucratic. “In special cases, such as in the technology industry, it is vital that specialized foreign technicians give support and updating to Brazilians”, he says.

According to him, in the current situation, the technology transference is hampered by the “barriers imposed by Brazilian government to professionals coming from other countries”. William Woo believes that the bill will not depreciate domestic labor, but only encourage the progress and the development of Brazilian market.

The Bill will be analyzed in conclusive Power by the Committees on Foreign Relations and National Defense; and on Labor, Administration and Public Service; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ).

Report - Luiz Cláudio Pinheiro
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda