Committee approves guidelines for urban transportation

02/01/2009 05h00

On the last 17, the Committee on Urban Development approved the Complementary Bill 136/07. State’s legislation should privilege collective and pedestrian transportation, the mobility of people with disabilities and the preservation of environment, in addition to ensuring and promoting a broad participation of the citizens, to guarantee the social control of the public policies of transportation, traffic and accessibility.

 for the sector.

The bill determines that public managers promote the reduction of fees and define alternative sources for funding collective transportation services, in addition to fostering private-public partnerships (PPPs)

According to the text, they should also promote the articulation among public policies on transportation, housing, urban development, and environment, to reduce the need of displacement of the population.

Regarding environment protection, the proposal establishes, among other points, that the managers encourage actions of power conservation for the substitution of the energy sources of the public transportation system for renewable sources. The text also defines that the production of vehicles moved by clean energy should be fostered.

Individual transportation
According to the proposal, the states should privilege the construction of bike ways. In addition to that, the measure determines that the states establish financing programs to the municipalities that implement measures for the reduction of the use of cars.

As possibilities to reduce the use of private cars, Gadelha defends the adoption of measures such as tolls. According to him, that initiative has already been adopted since 1975 in Singapore, and since 2003, in London, where the tolls would have taken 60,000 vehicles off circulation per day. In Singapore, the reduction was 22%, according to Gadelha.

The Bill will still be examined by the Committees on Transportation; on the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship, and will be voted by the House Floor, in priority character.