Book on Heroes of Brazil will be allowed to register foreigners

12/01/2009 05h05

The Bill 4150/08, authored by the Committee on Education and Culture, allows the inclusion of foreigners in the Book on Heroes of Brazil. According to the understanding of the collegiate, the prevailing legislation (Law 11.597/07) limits excessively the registers in the book, since it excludes all of those who are not born Brazilians or formally naturalized citizens, including those who lived in the period before Independence, when the conception of Brazilian citizenship had not yet been constituted, and when Brazil did not exist as an autonomic country.

According to the bill, all those who have contributed, with their dedication and heroism, to the protection and construction of this Country, even if not native or naturalized Brazilians, may be inscribed in the book.

The Book on Heroes of Brazil is held at the Pantheon of Brazil and of Liberty Tancredo Neves, at the Three-Power Square in Brasília, and its purpose is to perpetually register the names of Brazilians or of groups of Brazilians who have offered their lives to their Country, to its protection and construction, with exceptional dedication and heroism.

The bill will be reviewed by the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) and will then be forwarded to the House Floor. It was deemed priority character.

Report - Luiz Cláudio Pinheiro
Editing - Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda