Bill requires authorization for rental of TV time

28/01/2009 05h00

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4549/08 by the Deputy Edson Duarte (PV-BA), which forbids the renting of time in radio and TV broadcasts to third parties without the consent of the Ministry of Communications, and requires that 60% of the total amount of the contract be transferred to the Union.

"I consider that the total or partial transference of time in the hourly schedules of the radio broadcasts, by means of rental contracts, so that third parties can exploit those services, is anomalous and incompatible with legal and constitutional dispositions that rule the broadcasting industry” affirms the deputy.

The rental of time in the daily schedule of radio and TV to third parties, especially to religious groups, is currently a common practice. “The proposed changes will allow a better control on the exploitation of the social communications services”, highlights Edson Duarte.

The bill is awaiting its distribution to the technical committees of the Chamber.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda