Bill provides for incentives for intensive cattle raising

27/01/2009 05h05

The Bill 4362/08, proposed by the Senate, is being processed at the Chamber, and allows the concession of special incentives by public power to farmers who substitute extensive for intensive cattle raising and encourage the organic production system. According to it, the substitution of systems will also be one of the objectives of rural credit.

Extensive cattle raising uses large areas of pastures on which cattle feed freely. According to the author of the bill, Senator João Tenório (PSDB-AL), that system has low productivity, due to the smaller concentration of animals in the land, and to the larger difficulty in controlling the quality of their food. In that modality, about 2 hectares of land per cow are needed.

In the intensive system, planted and dunged pastures are used. The land is divided in small pastures, which allows up to 10 animals per hectare, in addition to making room for other cultures.

Tenório argues that the the country has witnessed the increase of cultivated areas for the production of biofuels and that livestock production is being pushed into areas not yet occupied. He affirms that that exchange will allow producers to make more room for agriculture.

The bill amends the Agricultural Law (8.171/91).

The Bill, which is being processed in conclusive character, will be analyzed by the Committees on Agriculture, Animal Industry, Supply and Rural Development; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Vania Alves
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda