Bill obliges car industry to plant trees

29/01/2009 13h15

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4380/08, proposed by Deputy José Chaves (PTB-PE), which obliges the car assemblers to plant trees in the proportional amount to the vehicles they produce. The measure is worth to any car, truck or agriculture machine.

The bill provides that one tree should be planted for each vehicle produced with a displacement until 1000 cc; Two trees for each vehicle produced with a displacement that is higher than 1000 cc and not higher than 2000 cc; and three trees for each vehicle produced with a displacement that is higher than 2000 cc.

According to the deputy, it is necessary in some way to oblige the car industry to compensate the pollution produced by the cars.

“The vehicles are responsible for 97% of the emissions of carbon monoxide, 97% of hydrocarbons, 96% of nitrogen oxides, 40% of particle material, and 32% of sulfur oxides in the Great São Paulo”, highlighted the congressman.

The Bill provides that the assemblers will be allowed to transfer to the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the amount corresponding to that planting.

The Bill will be analyzed in conclusive character by the Committees on Economic Development, Industry and Commerce; on the Environment and Sustainable Development; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing- Newton Araújo
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda