Bill cancels decree allowing exploitation of areas containing caves

20/01/2009 05h00

An important part of Brazilian natural caves assets would be threatened with extinction

The Chamber is analyzing the Legislative Decree Bill (PCD) 1138/08, proposed by the Deputy Antonio Carlos Mendes Thame (PSDB-SP), which cancels the enforcement of the Decree 6.640/08, by the Executive, which changes the rules on the protection of caves.

That decree allows – provided that there is a previous environmental licensing by the Brazilian Institute of Environment and Natural Renewable Resources (Ibama) – the implementation of the undertakings on electrical power generation and mining in areas where caves are located.

According to Mendes Thame, the decree represents a threatening with the destruction for an important part of Brazilian natural caves assets, since it allows “irreversible negative impacts” to occur - provided that they happen according to environmental licensing --- in those considered as of low, medium or high relevance. According to the rule that kind of exploitation is forbidden only in caves with a maximum degree of relevance.

Mendes Thame agrees with the position of the Speleological Society, which present the following arguments against the decree:

-There is no indication that the caves be hampering the development of any sector of Brazilian economy;
- The speleological assets are the only natural resources protected by the prevailing legislation in a complete and broad way, even outside of conservation units;
- There is no consensus that it is even possible to classify caves according to their level of relevance;
- The current environmental licensing procedure is not efficient enough to guarantee the conservation of nature, since the undertaker who is interested in the authorization for his project directly contracts the necessary studies, which could influence the results, so that they are favorable to them; such studies are only assessed by the environmental bodies, which are currently weakened by the developmental optics of the government;
- The destruction of caves is not an acceptable measure to raise funds to preserve the remaining ones.

The PDC should be examined by the Committees on Mines and Energy; on the Environment and Sustainable Development; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship. That matter is subject to voting by the House Floor.


Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Editing - Marcos Rossi
Translation - Positive Idiomas Ltda