Visit of Libyans strengthens links with Brazil, says Temer

26/02/2009 05h10

The President of the Chamber, Michel Temer, received on Thursday (19), the visit of the Vice-Prime-Minister of Libya, Imbarek Ashamikh. Temer, whose parents are from Lebanon, reminded that Brazil is welcoming for foreigners. One example of that hospitality, cited the President, is the bill approved on Wednesday (18) by the House, which reopens the term for the request of provisory residency of the alien in irregular situation who has entered Brazil by February 1st, 2009.

For Temer, the visit of the Libyan leader will strengthen political and commercial links which already exist between the two countries.

The Libyan delegation was in Brazil for the signature of agreements with the Brazilian government in the area of political bi-lateral consultations, health, and concession of visas for authorities

Report - Silvia Mugnatto/Rádio Câmara
Editing – Noéli Nobre
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda