Uribe wants collaboration from Brazil and Colombia against world crisis

20/02/2009 05h40
Laycer Tomaz
uribe e temer.jpg 
Uribe was received by the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer

In a visit to the Chamber on Tuesday (17), the President of Colombia, Álaro Uribe, defended the union of efforts of his country and of Brazil to face the global financial crisis. He said that the commercial interchange has been growing in South America, but defended a broader economic collaboration between Brazil and Colombia and their respective blocs: Mercosul and the Andes Community.

The president of the Parliamentary Group Brazil-Colombia, the Deputy Nilmar Ruiz (DEM-TO), already articulates, together with the embassies of both countries, the visit of a committee of Brazilian deputies to Bogotá to deepen the parliamentary and economic links.

Uribe considered that the initiative can strengthen actions against the crisis. Brazilian economy, according to him, has one of the greater capacities of reaction of the world. “So, whatever you do to overcome the crisis is a hope for us”, he highlighted.

According to Uribe’s evaluation, Brazil applies the resources in long-term investments, and not in speculation capital. “You are a world power, but, differently from the involved countries, has a great growth possibility thanks to domestic economy”, he affirmed.

He informed that, in the last seven years, commerce between Brazil and Colombia has grown four times. “We trust that Brazil, in the next years, becomes the main investor in our country”, he said.

Safety and Guerilla
Álvaro Uribe said that he is working with democracy and social responsibility to transform Colombia in a safe destiny for foreign investments.

Uribe was praised by the deputies by the process of pacification which is implemented and by the fight to guerrilla fighter of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Farc). He asked for Brazilian help in the fight against terrorism.

When reminding the political past of South America, Uribe talked about the differences between Colombia and other countries. According to him, there have been several dictatorships in the continent, which were created on behalf of safety, then eliminated multipartidarism and affected liberties. “In Colombia, the opposite happened: we suffered dictatorship from terrorism and, by means of safety, we are recovering liberty”, he argued.

Uribe was received in the Noble Salon of the Floor of the Chamber by the president of the House, Michel Temer, and by deputies.

Report - José Carlos Oliveira and Maria Clarice Dias
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda