Tax reform: PSDB requires figures on impacts on states

27/02/2009 05h50

The parties’ leaders will meet on Wednesday (4) with the rapporteur on the tax reform, deputy Sandro Mabel (PR-GO). The government’s basis is willing to vote the matter at the House Floor in March, but there are still resistances by the opposition.

The political party PSDB wants the rapporteur to submit simulations on the reform’s impact in the states for every year until 2021. According to the vice-leader of the party, Duarte Nogueira (SP), the presented data on the subject were not sufficient, since they were not detailed.

“We, from PSDB, which governs populated states and large taxpayers, understand it is necessary to be responsible when discussing and voting that matter”, affirms Nogueira. “We must know exactly what will change in each state’s life, also because there will be impacts on public services, education, health, safety and social services”, he adds.

Its rapporteur, Sandro Mabel, alleges that he does not have access to the data required by PSDB. According to him, only the National Council for Finance Politics (Confaz), which reunites the states’ finances secretaries, could have that information.

“The submitted figures are consistent, and show, in the big picture, and not by state, that even if there are losses, there will also be incomes to compensate them. That is clear”, he argues.

The government’s leader, Deputy Henrique Fontana (PT-RS), assesses that the reform is positive for Brazilian economy and expects that the opposition does not hamper the voting on the matter.

Because it is the subject of bills on Constitutional amendments, the tax reform must be approved in two turns at the Chamber, before going to Senate. The matter has already been reviewed by a special committee.

Report - Marise Lugullo/Rádio Câmara
Editing - João Pitella Junior
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda