Parliament of Mercosul elects Paraguayan deputy as its new president

13/02/2009 04h10

The Paraguayan congressman Ignácio Mendoza Unzain was elected on Tuesday (10) as the president of the Mercosul Parliament (Parlasul) for the next semester, in a session at the headquarters of that body in Montevideo, chaired by the Senator Pedro Simon (PMDB-RS). Every six months, a vice-president assumes the Presidency of the Parliament, which allows representatives of the four countries to assume that position.

During his speech, Ignácio Mendoza said that he will struggle for the consolidation and for the strengthening of that institution. The new president also affirmed that Parlasul should be respected, known and broadened.

At the same session, three vice-presidents were elected for a two-year mandate: the Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), representing Brazil; José Juan Bautista Pampuro, Argentina; and Juan Jose Domínguez, Uruguay.

From the newsroom/NN
With information from Agência Senado
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda