Ministers present bill on political reform to the Chamber

13/02/2009 04h20

The ministers of Justice, Tarso Genro, and of Institutional Relations, José Múcio Monteiro, presented on Tuesday (10) the government’s proposal for the political reform to the President of the Chamber, Michel Temer. There are six bills and a bill on a constitutional amendment (PEC). The suggestions for the political reform were advanced by the government in November 2008.

The bills establish rules about lists of candidacies, campaign financing, ineligibility, party spirit, colligations and penalties for the illicit suffrage coercion (a penalty for the candidates who threaten or constrain any elector to obtain his vote or political support). The PEC, though, addresses the performance clause.

The minister Tarso Genro says that he believes that, although the themes are discussed in an integrated way, the slicing of the reform is an advantage, which, in his opinion, will not hamper the discussion in the two Houses of Congress.

“Among the bills I specially highlight the public financing of the campaigns, a respectful barrier clause which maintains the minor parties, the classification of some criminal structures in the election process, a more adequate regulation on the transference in TV time and the voting in list”, he affirmed.

Michel Temer said he will join the government’s bills to those which are already being processed at the Chamber and address the political reform. “We will add them all, in order to try a final text. I hope that we are able to make political reform in slices”, he highlighted.

The bill, which was presented by the government, was submitted to public consultation since November 2008. The Ministry of Justice received 222 suggestions from society regarding the subjects of political reform.

Report - Paula Bittar
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda