Italians praise Lula’s decision to submit Battisti’s case to STF

18/02/2009 05h20

The vice-president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Maurizio Lupi, praised the Brazilian government’s decision not to contest the possible extradition of the ex-activist Cesare Battisti, which is being reviewed by the Supreme Court (STF). Lupi met on Tuesday with Brazilian congresspeople at the Chamber.

On the last 30th, in Rio, the President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva defended the concession of political refuge to the Italian by the Ministry of Justice, but affirmed that “when Justice makes their decision, whatever it is, we will not discuss it further”.

The Italian congressman and the Italian ambassador in Brazil, Michele Valensise, met with members of the Brazil-Italy Parliamentary Group. He ensured that the concession of political asylum by the Brazilian government will not cause any diplomatic problem between the two countries, by reaffirmed the request for support, made in January by the president of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, for the extradition of Battisti, who was a member of a left organization in the 70es and was condemned to life prison, due to four murders.

“Since we are strong and democratic institutions, we should guarantee freedom for the citizens and the enforcement of penalties for committed crimes”, affirmed Lupi during the meeting. He reminded, though, that the objective of his visit is not to restart polemics on the subject, but to strengthen the link between the Italian and the Brazilian parliament.

The Italian ambassador reminded the congresspeople that the condemnation of Battisti by the Italian justice was confirmed by the French judiciary and by the European Court on Human Rights.

Decision of the judiciary
The president of the Parliamentary Group Brazil- Italy, Deputy Ricardo Barros (PP-PR), reminded that that decision no longer depends on the Congress. The Deputies Paulo Maluf (PP-SP) and Antonio Carlos Pannunzio (PSDB-SP), who participated in the meeting, criticized the decision of the Brazilian government.

They consider that it hurts the respect each country has to have for the powers of the others. “The Brazilian government committed a mistake which should be repaired by the Supreme Court. We are hoping the Supreme Court makes a fair decision.

Economic relations
The Deputy Carlos Zarattini (PT-SP), though, defended the Brazilian government’s decision and said that it was based in Amnesty Law. He also pleaded that that event does not harm the economic relations between the two countries.

The Deputy Zonta (PP-SC) called for the resuming of the negotiations for the export of meat from Santa Catarina to Italy, which had been suspended after the decision of the Brazilian government to grant refuge to Battisti.

The Italian government cancelled an official mission which would come to Brazil in the beginning of this month to conclude negotiations which had already lasted two years. “Our justice should confirm what Italian Justice decided in this case, to avoid losses in the commercial relations between the two countries”, said Zonta.

On Thursday (19) and Friday (20), the Deputy Paulo Bornhausen (DEM-SC) will be in Rome to inform them that part of the Brazilian Parliament and of civil organizations do not agree with the concession of political asylum to Battisti.

Report - Geórgia Moraes
Editing - Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda