Issue of international driver’s license can be broadened

13/02/2009 04h25

The Chamber is reviewing the Bill 4530/08, proposed by the Deputy Mauro Mariani (PMDB-SC), which authorizes national automobile associations, which are members of the International Automobile Federation (FIA) to issue the international permit to drive – an international driver’s license which is valid in dozens of countries. The bill amends the Brazilian Traffic Code (Law 9.503/97).

The objective of the bill, according to the deputy, is to adapt Brazilian legislation to the Vienna Convention of 1986. That treaty provides that the international driver’s license will be issued by a traffic body of the country or by a qualified association, member of the International Automobile Federation.

In Brazil, that permit was standardized in July 2006, according to the determination of the National Traffic Department (Denatran), and is directly issued by the states traffic bodies. In addition to that, that document was issued by Touring Club.

In the terms of the Bill, the associations will only be allowed to issue the document with Denatran’s authorization.

The bill will be reviewed by the Committees on Transportation; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda