Human-Rights activists may have a protection program

26/02/2009 05h15

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4575/09, proposed by the Executive Power, which creates the Protection Program to Human-Rights Activists. The program should operate in the scope of the Special Secretariat on Human Rights of the Presidency of the Republic.

Its objective is to prevent the violation of the rights of the activists, investigate threatens and articulate public policies to face the situation. Individuals, corporations or social movements which actuate in the promotion or defense of human rights can be protected by the program.

The program should combat all behavior aiming at preventing the continuity of the activities of individuals or groups in the human-rights area.

Discriminatory acts
Acts against the physical, psychological, moral or economic integrity, and also acts attempting against cultural or religious freedom, or which are discriminative, are considered as offensive.

Among the measures which may be developed by the institutions involved in the program are: police protection; safe transportation for the continuation of activities; access to radio broadcasts exclusive to public-safety bodies for monitoring and rescue; supply and installation of safety equipment; preservation of the confidentiality of identity; and financial help for the person who is impeached to work, among others.

The bill is being processed together with the Bill 2980/04, proposed by the Deputy Eduardo Valverde (PT-RO), and will be reviewed by the Committees on Human Rights and Minorities; on Public Security and Fight against Organized Crime; on Finances and Taxation, and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship, before being voted at the House Floor.

Report - Vania Alves
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda