Deputies have already bills for committee on economic crisis

17/02/2009 05h15

Group will propose bills and suggest actions to fight crisis

The parties’ leaders have already started to recommend deputies to integrate the Special Committee on Examination and Evaluation of the Economic Crisis. That committee, which will have a total of 17 congresspeople, was created by the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, also to propose bills and actions to the Executive, to fight economic turbulence.

The Deputy Edmilson Valentim (RJ), recommended by PCdoB to integrate the committee, wants a greater care on measures that guarantee employment and fair income distribution in times of crisis. “The Parliament has already given its contribution, and has done it fairly, by approving the bills from the Executive, which make life of productive sectors and of population easier”, he affirms.

PPS intends to fight the effects of the crisis in Brazil by means of the increase in government investments, especially in the construction industry, agriculture and services, such as tourism.

Moreover, the representative of that party at the committee, Deputy Arnaldo Jardim (SP), wants to make a rigorous follow-up on the results of measures against the crisis which have already been implemented. “We approved the Provisional Measure 442/08, which granted resources to incentive mortgage companies”, he reminds.

Jardim affirms that the government’s decisions regarding the financial system should be effectively enforced. “Compulsories were granted to the banks, which did not result in any increment in credit availability”, he criticizes.

Other recommendations
PSB indicated the Deputy Ciro Gomes (CE), former Finances Minister, to the committee. The president of the National Industry Confederation (CNI), Deputy Armando Monteiro (PE), was indicated by PTB.

The Deputy Albano Franco (PSDB-SE), former president of CNI, will also integrate the committee, and intends to suggest the participation of the economist and the former Finances Minister, the former deputy Delfim Netto. “We should discuss everything which would prevent recession in Brazil, and which would defend Brazilian industry”, he highlights.

According to Albano Franco’s opinion, Brazil should live with the economic cooldown, since it will be a temporary problem: “But living with recession is not acceptable, since Brazil would not stand it; first, because we have a young population, and then, because we have a very precarious social security system.”

Report - José Carlos Oliveira
Editing - Maria Clarice Dias
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda