Chamber will release CNPJ of companies paid with indemnifications

20/02/2009 05h10

That information will be available on the internet in 45 days, in addition to corporations’ names and the numbers of bills and invoices regarding services refunded with resources to the deputies.

After a consultation to members of the Governing Board, the president of the Chamber, Michel Temer, and the first secretary, Deputy Rafael Guerra (PSDB-MG), announced on Wednesday (18) that the numbers of the Federal Revenue Service Registration of Corporate Taxpayers (CNPJ) of providers of services paid by the deputies with resources from the indemnification.

On Tuesday (17), the Board had already decided to release in 45 days, the names of the companies and the numbers of bills and invoices submitted by the deputies as refund requests of indemnifications. That information will be available at the webpage “Transparency” at the website of the Chamber. According to the decision, though, the CNPJ’s numbers would not be released.

The monthly amount is R$15,000 (approximately US$ 6,500 ), and the balance which has not been used in one month is added to the following one, but only for one semester. Or be it, the account is zeroed every six months. According to the current criterion, the deputy will be refunded only for the effectively spent amount, which is proved by means of bills and invoices.

That amount can be used in expenses with rent, office maintenance, food for the congressman, consulting and research services, safety, subscription to publications, cable TV, internet, transportation and hotel to congresspeople and assistants, among others.

Before the new decision, the political party Psol presented on Wednesday an appeal requesting the release of the CNPJ of those companies. For the party, not releasing that information could cause the continuation of irregularities in the usage of resources.

The party’s caucus defends the total transparency of the expenses refunded by indemnifications. “The intention is to avoid the usage of ghost companies in the rendering of accounts. Transparency cannot be partially done”, affirms the leader of Psol, the Deputy Ivan Valente (SP).

The party also asks for the inclusion in the agenda of the House of the Resolution Bill 120/08, which obliges the Chamber to publish on the internet, in real time and in details (such as expenses made and benefitted people and corporations), the monthly expenses of the deputies with indemnification, such as copies of bills, invoices and documents proving the submitted information.

From the newsroom/MR
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda