Chamber will have an attorney’s office to verify complaints of violence against women

26/02/2009 05h15

In a meeting with the female caucus, the president Michel Temer heard claims presented by the congresswomen

The Chamber will create an Attorney’s Office to receive and forward reports of violence and discrimination against women to responsible bodies. That announcement was made on Wednesday (18), by the President of the House, Michel Temer, to the female caucus, in a meeting which discussed an agenda containing claims made by female deputies. The new instance was as promise made by Temer during the campaign which took him to the House.

The Special Woman’s Attorney’s Office will be created by means of a resolution bill, which was presented to the caucus. In addition to receiving reports, that Office can also inspect and follow up on the enforcement of public policies targeting the reduction of inequalities of gender and even promote nationwide anti-discrimination campaigns.

Women are currently more than 50% of the Brazilian electorate, but are represented only by 45 deputies, less than 10% of the total amount of congresspeople.

Exactly during the week in which the International Women’s Day (March 8th) is commemorated, Temer agreed also in voting the Bill on a Constitutional Amendment (PEC) 590/06, which guarantees the participation of women at the Governing Board and at the thematic committees at the Chamber and at the Senate. That PEC was proposed by the Deputy Luiza Erundina (PSB-SP), and still needs to be reviewed by a special committee.

In order to fulfill the promised deadline, Temer will have to negotiate the quick establishment of the special committee with the parties. When getting to the House Floor, the parties will also have to agree on the waving on some regimental terms.

According to the Resolution Bill presented by Temer, the Special Woman’s Attorney Office will be directly linked to the Presidency’s Office, and its presidency will be filled by a female deputy, recommended by the president.

For the Deputy Sandra Rosado (PSB-RN), the coordinator of the female caucus, the new space will give more visibility to the work of the female deputies and will reinforce the state’s apparatus in the defense of the woman. “It is a step ahead”, he said.

The deputies asked the president for a specific room inside the facilities of the Chamber for the Office, and that the recommended person should be chosen from a list forwarded by the caucus. Temer was to examine both proposals.

At the meeting between Temer and the caucus, the deputies claimed for the broadening of their political presence at the House’s forums. Temer agreed with some points presented by the congresswomen, such as the increase in the recommendation of women for the presidency of special committees and at as rapporteurs of important bills.

The caucus suggested that one in every ten created bills or committees be destined to congresswomen. “What we have been seeing now is that men have been almost completely occupying the spaces of the House”, said Sandra Rosado.

The congresswomen manifested their worry regarding the possible establishment of the Inquiry Parliamentary Committee (CPI) on Abortion, which, according to them, can criminalize women without presenting the due solution to the problem.

The deputies called for the institutionalization of the caucus. In the practice, that would mean creating a “party of the female deputies”, which would guarantee them room in the House, with a regiment and assistance. Sandra reminded that some countries have already done that, such as Mozambique.

Report - Janary Júnior e José Carlos Oliveira
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda