Chamber approves 11 bills ratifying international agreements

26/02/2009 05h40

Among the agreements are the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism and the International Sanitation Regulation.

On Thursday (19), the Chamber approved 11 Bills of Legislative Decrees (PDC) which ratify the texts of international agreements, treaties or conventions. Those texts are signed by the Executive, but need to be ratified by the Congress. They are now being forwarded to Senate.

PDC 10/07 ratifies the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Brazil signed the convention on September 14th , 2005, in New York, and its objective is to ensure the punishment of those who illegally use radioactive materials and nuclear facilities for terrorist practices.

The PDC 27/07 approves the review of the International Sanitation Regulation, approved by the 58th General Assembly of the World Health Organization, in 2005, and which will now prevail in Brazil.

Red Cross
The PDC 321/07 approves an additional protocol to the Geneva Conventions, regarding the adoption of the “Red Crystal” to identify the organization know in the Western World as Red Cross, in addition to the already existing symbols: Crescent Moon, David Star and the Cross itself. Cristal is neutral, while the cross is associated to Christianism, and the Crescent Moon to Islamism. That way, in addition to using a symbol lacking political or religious content, that institution can use other less known religious symbols and which would be inserted in the center of the crystal.

Fight against crime
Two agreements among the countries of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries (CPLP) were ratified. The PDC 53/07 ratifies the convention speeding the transference of convicts among those countries, and PDC 56/07 ratifies the convention for legal assistance in criminal matters.

Also regarding the international fight against crime, PDC 65/07 approves the cooperation agreement with China for the fight against organized crime; and PDC 132/07 approves the treaty on legal assistance in criminal matters with Nigeria.

Two agreements have been closed with Argentina. PDC 2378/06 ratifies the agreement on the interchange of interns. The bill streamlines procedures for young professionals of the two countries to develop a paid activity in order to enhance their knowledge in the neighbor country. PDC 201/07, though, ratifies the agreement for the establishment of commercial cooperation, with a business agenda and collateral support to companies from the two countries.

PDC 133/07 approves a technical-cooperation agreement allowing the cooperation between the Brazilian government and Nauru, a country located in an island of Micronesia.

PDC 318/07 approves and agreement with Algeria on Transportation and Maritime Navigation. The two countries have cooperated in commercial navigation since 1976, but the agreement needs to be renewed.

Report - Marcello Larcher
Editing - Wilson Silveira
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda