Bill suspends dismissals for six months to fight crisis

17/02/2009 05h40

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4551/08, proposed by the Deputy Luciana Genro (Psol-RS), which prohibits the dismissal without just cause of any registered worker, for a period of six months in Brazil.

“The global financial crisis points, at that moment, to a huge increase in unemployment, with the worst possible social consequences”, affirmed the deputy. “Palliatives or solutions which would not keep the same employment levels are no use”, she evaluates.

According to that bill, the companies which dismiss employees during the period of employment stability, in addition to reintegrating the dismissed employee, will have to pay an indemnity equivalent to six months of wage for every year he worked in the company. That indemnity will be doubled if the worker has worked there for ten years of more.

Luciana Genro said that the bill had the advantage of not encumbering government treasure, which was the case of other measures which were adopted to rescue private sector, “exactly to decrease the impact of the crisis on the amount of work posts”, but which, according to her, had no results in general.

The bill will be analyzed by the Committees on Economic Development, Industry and Commerce; on Labor, Administration and Public Service; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Edvaldo Fernandes
Editing - Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda