Bill makes international adoption of children and teenagers more difficult

27/02/2009 05h10

The Chamber is analyzing the Bill 4600/09, proposed by the deputy Vital do Rêgo Filho (PMDB-PB), which establishes harsher requirements for the adoption of children and teenagers by foreigners. The bill amends the Child’s and Teenager’s Act (Law 8.069/90).

According to it, the international adoption will be only permitted after all possibilities for the maintenance of the child or teenager with his/her natural family or a substitute family living in Brazil are expired. Moreover, people interested in adopting should prove their social and psychological capacity.

Sexual exploitation
Its author reminds that the Chamber has investigated cases in which children and teenagers were taken abroad to be sexually exploited or for organ extraction for grafts.

“Those absurd and monstrous cases could have been avoided if international adoption were preceded by cares, determined prerequisites and follow-up by a specialized committee, which could verify the good standing of the adopting people and the wellbeing of the adopted children and teenagers in their new homes”, he affirms.

The matter will be analyzed by the committees on Social Security and Family; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Oscar Telles
Editing- Newton Araújo
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda