Bill creates rate to verify life conditions of inmates

27/02/2009 05h15

The Chamber is reviewing the Bill 4581/09, by the Deputy Dr. Talmir (PV-SP), which creates the Re-socialization Rate of the Inmate (IRP), aiming at verifying the conditions in which the inmates live in Brazil. According to it, that rate will be composed by the following factors: food quality, accommodations and sanitation; access to health services; effectiveness of legal assistance; and offer of education and jobs in each prison establishments.

Moreover, criteria regarding regional features of the prison should be taken into account, which should be established in a specific regulation, so as to allow comparisons in national scope. According to the bill, the prisons are obliged to keep records at IRP.

Improving prisons
The deputy affirms that, when he participated in the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee (CPI) of the Prison System, he realized how it is harmed by the lack of information and control on the life conditions of inmates. Dr. Talmir mentions problems with activities which are supposedly offered but which in truth do not exist, terrible sanitation conditions, poor food and non-restrained violence. “Those cases could be eliminated in an easier way if there were a rate to measure the actual conditions in the prisons”, argues the congressman.

The deputy’s goal is that IRP operates as a controller on the activities of prison administrators and as an indicator to define the destination of government resources. The final goal, as Dr. Talmir concludes, is to contribute to an effective improvement of life condition in prisons.

The Bill will be analyzed by the committees on Public Safety and Fight against Organized Crime; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship. The bill amends the Legal Enforcement Law (7.210/84).

Report - Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Editing - Pierre Triboli
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda