Bill broadens prevention of abuse against children and teenagers

26/02/2009 05h45

The Chamber is examining the Senate’s bill, which obliges public and private bodies working with children and teenagers to have qualified personnel, able to recognize suspicions or cases of abuses committed against children and teenagers, which should be reported to a Guardian Council. The bill broadens that obligation to all bodies in the area of information, culture, leisure, sports, spectacles, products and services oriented to children and teenagers.

According to the author of the Bill 4569/08, Senator Marcelo Crivella (PRB-RJ), that measure will “contribute for family, society and State finally to assume the ethical, moral and legal commitment to promote the protection of youth”.

The bill also establishes, as an activity of guardian councils, the promotion and incentive of actions of information and training in communities and professional groups, targeting the recognition of abuse symptoms in children and teenagers.

Responsible professionals
The bill establishes that professionals responsible for the care, assistance or guard of children and teenagers are also responsible for the report of abuse cases to the Guardian Council. If they do not do it, they can be punished according to the determination of the Child and Teenager’s Act (ECA – Law 8069/90).

The ECA establishes that physicians, teachers or people in charge of health and education establishments not reporting cases or suspicions of abuse against children and teenagers to the authorities are subject to fines ranging from three to 20 minimum wages, and to the double in case of relapse.

The bill will be analyzed by the Committees on Social Security and Family; and on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Report - Cristiane Bernardes
Editing - Maristela Sant'Ana
Translation – Positive Idiomas Ltda