Domestic workers may have common rules in Mercosur

03/12/2009 13h40

The labor relations of domestic workers may be governed by common standards in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The uniformity of labor laws is the subject of a draft rule passed yesterday by the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur), in Montevideo. The proposal establishes the Labor Regulations of Domestic Service Staff.

Presented by Argentinian representative Mabel Müller, the project will now be forwarded to the Common Market Council, which could make it a decision of the Council itself. In this case, the decision must be endorsed by the parliaments of each member country, in order to become law.

Under the bill, a service relationship is presumed to exist when there is work on fixed days of the week at home of the employer, with specified time of entry and exit. Among the obligations of the employer in the terms of the proposal are to provide adequate food and housing conditions and to pay the daily transport expenses of the workers.

As determined by the draft rule, the working day shall be a maximum of eight hours, with a rest period of half an hour. The approved text also guarantees workers the right to join trade unions.

According to the Brazilian Deputy George Hilton (PRB-MG), this proposal can be considered a step forward in relation to the current rules governing domestic work in the Mercosur countries. "It is a breakthrough in labor law, a great need that Mercosur will have to meet in the coming years. The proposal extends rights that are already guaranteed in some countries, such as vacations, 13th salary and pension contributions ", he said.

From the Newsroom/ PCS
With information from the Senate Agency
Translation – Rejane Xavier