Congress installs Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry on the Landless Workers' Movement(MST)

09/12/2009 18h20
Ana Nascimento/ABr
mst-crianças cantando 
MST children singing the anthem of the Socialist International

The Joint Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry (CPMI) on the Landless Workers' Movement (MST) was installed on Wednesday (9). The CPMI will investigate irregularities in contracts and agreements signed between the Union and entities linked to the MST.

The committee, created in October, will be chaired by Senator Almeida Lima (PMDB-ES); Deputy Onyx Lorenzoni (DEM-RS) will be the the vice-president.

A new meeting will be held next Wednesday (16), at 11h, when the rapporteur, Deputy Jilmar Tatto (PT-SP), will present its work plan.

From the Newsroom/ RCA
Translation - RX