Committee approves bill creating the profession of care attendant

09/12/2009 15h00
Divulgação Pref. de Guarapari (ES)
curso de cuidador-guarapari (es) 
Care attendants will have to follow a basic qualification course

The Committee on Social Security and Family approved on Wednesday (2nd) Bill No. 6966/06, proposed by Deputy Inocencio Oliveira (PR-PE), establishing the profession of care attendant. According to the proposal, this professional provides home help for people who can not perform basic daily asks.

The legal requirements for practicing the profession are the completion of eight years of basic education and a basic care attendant qualification course . The syllabus of this course will be established by the Ministry of Health.

The rapporteur, Deputy Chico d'Angelo (PT-RJ), defended the approval of the proposal. He said that "the constant increase in the proportion of older people in the demographic profile of Brazil has generated a huge contingent of people who are in need of special care for the most basic tasks of life."

The Deputy also argues that the State is unable to meet this demand. "In practice, the family is required, even when it is not in a position to do so, to assume this responsibility. Members of most families work all day and do not have the available time and resources to provide essential care to maintain the quality of life of their loved ones who are incapable of doing so for themselves".

The committee rejected, however, the appended Bill No. 2880/08, proposed by Deputy Otavio Leite (PSDB-RJ) that was being discussed at the same time. This proposal is similar to the main project, but requires, among other things, that the professional care attendant was trained in a higher education institution and did not perform other functions in the area of health, such as nursing and medicine. "These are unreasonable concerns," considers the rapporteur.

The bills have conclusive character and will still have to be analyzed by the Committee on Administration and Public Service, and the Committee on Constitution and Justice and Citizenship.

Reporting - Rodrigo Bittar
Edition - Wilson Silveira
Translation – Rejane Xavier