Parlasur condemns coup in Honduras

20/08/2009 17h40

The Mercosur parliament expressed on Monday (17) their “most vigorous condemnation” of the military coup that ousted the constitutional government of Honduras president, Manoel Zelaya, and that intend to “illegitimately maintain themselves in power”. The Representatives emphasized their commitment towards engaging in a solution that guarantees respect to democracy, “urging all political and social actors to retake the path to pacific and democratic dialogue.”

The representatives regret the “institutional destabilization in the sister republic of Honduras resulting from an armed uprising from those who ignore the will of the people and who reject the possibility to ratify the situation at the polls”.

The declaration was signed by Paraguayan representative, Ignacio Mendoza, who ended his pro tempore presidency of the parliament this way. At the beginning of this Monday night the Uruguayan representative, Juan José Dominguez, assumed the presidency for a period of six months.

From Newsroom/RX
With information from the Senate Agency
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Patrick Richard Swan