Parlasur: Brazilian Representation decides to face the Paraguayan boycott

13/08/2009 19h30

The meeting of the Brazilian Representation on the Mercosur Parliament (Parlasur), attended on this Wednesday, decided to present on Monday (17), on the next body meeting, in Montevideo, a document that will make the Brazilian willingness clear in requiring the end of the Paraguayan boycott to all Parliament’s initiatives.

According to the vice-President of Parlasur, Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), the Paraguayan representatives built, around the differences with Brazil and the Itaipu Treaty, “some kind of shield that is obstructing the regional parliament from acting".

The evaluation of parliamentarians about the Mercosur countries presidents’ meeting, in Assuncion, was not positive. About the Parlasur’s themes, none decision was made.

The topics discussed in the parliament, such as the trade agreement with Haiti and the end of the double charging of import tariff between the Mercosur' countries didn’t evolve before the Paraguayans’ negative answer of accepting any decision until a solution on the energy issue be found, according to its requirements.

Election under threat
The Paraguayan requirements are constituted by the deployment of a Mercosur Court of Appeals, which, according to that country, should evolve at the same time of the impasse solution on the parliamentarians’ number to be elected by the countries that constitute the block, to the parliament.

Regarding the fact - pointed out by Brazilian people - that the delay of such decision could obstruct the Parlasur's election in Brazil, on the 2010 year, the Paraguayan reaction would have been to minimize the fact. “In this case, you will have to be satisfied by electing 18 parliamentarians, just like Paraguay”, that would have been the answer that even encouraged the dismissal of the Deputy Dr. Rosinha before the meeting closure.

The Brazilian Representation president, Deputy José Paulo Tóffano (PV-SP), emphasized the isolation of the Paraguayan position, before the fact that Argentina and Uruguay showed themselves unsatisfied.

The proposal of the senator Geraldo Mesquita Júnior (PMDB-AC), that Brazil acquires a firm position on the next Paralasur meeting was approved by unanimity. Deputies and senators agreed that the continuity of Parlasur may be affected, in the event it remains static due to Paraguay’s attitude.

"It is time to take a sharper position and allow Itamaraty to play the Diplomacy’s role”, summarized the Deputy José Paulo Tóffano.

Reporting - Rejane Xavier
Edition - João Pitella Junior
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Maria Carolina M. Ogata