Nuclear submarine: agreement with France is questioned at Chamber

21/08/2009 15h35
submarino scorpene 
The Scorpene submarine

In a public hearing on Tuesday (18), noteworthy for the National Defense interlocutors’ absence, the agreement with France in order to acquire equipments and nuclear technology for the Brazilian Navy, was substantially questioned by deputies of the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defense.

The agreement signature is expected to coincide with the French President’s visit, Nicolas Sarkozy in Brazil, during the celebration of independence, on September 7.

The agreement, which will have to be analyzed by the National Congress, anticipate the technology transference, a nuclear submarine manufacture and the other four conventional submarine purchase, at the 6.8-billion Euros (roughly R$ 19 million) total cost, at 5.5%-annually interests.

Outdated equipments
The deputy Júlio Delgado (PSB-MG), author of the hearing request, has questioned about the technical and economic rationale of the agreement. The representative said that the French equipments are outdated and the transaction value will overtax the indebtedness of the Country. “This agreement imply R$ 19 billion the four conventional French submarine purchase, which are not used by any world power. All this value would be financed by the Country in external loans at very high interest in a 25-year period. It is extremely onerous to Brazil buying something so expense and outdated in return of the so-called technology transfer.” Delgado has added that is included the purchase of a hull to receive a nuclear propeller in an uncertain future and the building of a shipyard and a basis.

Delgado also has questioned the different dates by the Navy to the launch of the nuclear submarine (2014, 2017 or 2021, according to its versions).

According to him, all experts are unanimous keep saying that would be necessary between 10 and 15 years to produce a terrestrial nuclear generator, which will have to work in a concrete base leaded. Thereafter, more 10 or 15 years will be necessary to “sea” this generator so as it should be used on a submarine mobile hull.

Júlio Delgado was not also convinced on the necessary of this equipment, because he considers that a bigger quantity of conventional submarines would bring a better protection to the Brazilian coastline.

According to the deputy, the negotiation way and the final cost of the contract, with France, cannot be justified by the presented argument.

Competitive Bidding
The deputy Márcio Reinaldo Moreira (PP-MG) said that the agreement should have come before a competitive bidding or some international dispute, by involving technique and price. This is what Air Force is accomplishing, in order to choose the fighters which are being acquired. “The cost of Navy's project is so expensive that will overtax not only its own budget, or the Defence's one, also the Union Budget.”

The president of the Associação Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa – Abed (Brazilian Association of Defense Studies), Professor Eurico Lima Figueiredo, has defended the strategic and technologic capacity of the Country, in accordance with his political and economical importance. He believes that the Brazilian society is mature to control the Armed Forces and other institutions, e.g. the Congress or university. “This is already happening inasmuch the National Defense strategy has been built with the participation of the civil persons, and it is publically discussed.”

According to the Professor, is necessary to dominate the technology that allows a nuclear jump, for nuclear energy in general as an alternative for the future. “If the great powers believe that is important to have nuclear submarines, we, that within 30 years will be, at least, the fifth economic power, should not become discouraged.”

Reporting – Rejane Xavier and Eduardo Tramarim
Edition – Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei