Meeting on tourism requests support for the area’s proposals

10/08/2009 16h00

The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Michel Temer,  met on Wednesday (5) the Minister of Tourism, Luiz Barreto; the Chairman of Tourism and Sport, Deputy Afonso Hamm (PP-RS); the Chairman of Regional Development and Tourism of the Senate, Senator Leomar Quintanilha (PMDB-TO); and some state leaders of tourism.

They delivered to President Temer the results of the first meeting between the committee and the National Forum of Secretaries and State Tourism Leaders (Fornatur), last Tuesday (4).

Granting of visas
The leaders asked the President’s support on some proposals that are being processed within the Chamber, such as PL 178/07, which eases the granting of visas to foreign tourists. This proposal, in the evaluation of Minister Barreto, is important for the 2014 World Cup. One of the Minister’s suggestions is that the visa for Americans be of 10 years instead of 5 as it currently is, and can be electronically requested.

“Currently there are 700 thousand Americans coming to Brazil; very few, only 1% of the Americans who travel. We can double this number by the creation of such facility”, said the Minister.

2014 World Cup
The Chairman of Tourism and Sport, Deputy Afonso Hamm (PP-RS) reminds that concerning the 2014 World Cup it is needed to create conditions for increasing the number of tourists in the Country.

"We are going to enhance the Brazilian tourism in function of the great event that the World Cup is. It is going to facilitate the organizational condition, planning and implementation of works needed, whose public investments are accompanied by our committees, which have supervisory jurisdiction.”

Travel agencies
Another project defended by the group was Bill 5120/01, which concerns the activities of travel and tourism agencies. The proposal, which is ready for being voted in the Floor, absolving the agents from being severally liable for flight delays and cancellations.

The leaders also requested support for Bill 442/07, which ensure more resources for Embratur; and for the Senate project that increase the current 20% of foreign capital participation in aviation companies to 49%.

In the meeting, it was also informed the creation of a work group comprised of technicians from the Ministry, Fornatur and the committee to prepare a bill on regional aviation, which includes the increase of the foreign capital participation in these companies.

Reporting – Ana Raquel Macedo/ The Chamber's Radio Station
Edition – Regina Céli Assumpção
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thiago L. Capatti