Internet users question the exclusive representation at Parlasur

28/08/2009 11h30

The need of an election of Brazilian exclusive representatives of the Mercosur Parliament, in national process, by a closed list and preordered by the parties was very discussed in an Internet chat, on Wednesday (26), promoted by the Chamber of Deputies News Agency along with Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), rapporteur of the Project that regulates the subject.

Questioned about Parlasur’s need, as countries vote for agreements among themselves, the representative clarified that agreements regulate States’ interests, while the Parliament will be useful to inspect the accomplishment of these agreements, to debate and suggest solutions from citizens’ interests.

Besides, the Deputy emphasized that Parlasur has more comprehensive assignments than just approving agreements established in Mercosur. It works as a communication channel among societies of member countries and block negotiating instances. Therewith, it helps curing the democracy deficit present in the integration process, since, in general, population does not know what has been negotiated by Executive Branch representatives.

The Mercosur Parliament will also provide reports about all rules in negotiation that require legislative approval in national parliaments. If the rule is approved considering the Mercosur Parliament report, it will have a faster and more agile process in national parliaments, which will contribute to the legal certainty of the economic block.

The importance of the Mercosur
For some Internet users, the Mercosur is threatened by more comprehensive national strategies, such as the Unasur creation, the existence of the Parlatino and Brazil’s proximity with the BRIC countries (Russia, India and China, besides Brazil).

However, Dr. Rosinha believes that Mercosur is an integration area that is more concrete than any other initiative already implemented in Latin America. It involves a commercial and economic scope, besides a political union. The other initiatives mentioned above are restricted to purposes of association of political and sectoral nature, although, clearly, with perspectives of scrutinizing in all areas.

Thus, the Deputy explained, the experience of Mercosur could never be despised, also in order to strengthen the associations that may be accomplished, such as Unasur. The Parlatino, besides other parliamentary spaces of integration, consists on an associative entity of national congresses with no supporting criteria of popular representation, the opposite of the Mercorsur Parliament that will be directly elected by the people.

Reporting - Rejane Xavier
Edition - Natalia Doederlein
Translation-Grupo Solucion-SP Language Center