Haitians request support from deputies to take troops of the country

10/08/2009 16h20

Two Haitian unionists met on Thursday (6) with Deputies of the Committee on Human Rights and Minorities to request support to the call made by the country's civilian organizations for gradually taking off the Brazilian troops from the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (Minustah, in French). Raphael Dukens, of the Confederation of Public Sector Workers (CTSP), and Louis Fignolé Saint-Cyr, of the Autonomous Federation of Haitian Workers (CATH), have also requested support for actions on economic and social development of the country.

“It would be much more important if Brazil helped our country to build schools and hospitals instead of acting with military troops", said Saint-Cyr. They were received by Deputies Luiz Couto (PT-PB), Chairman, Pedro Wilson (PT-GO) and Fernando Ferro (PT-PE).

Investigation Committee
The unionists have also requested the participation of a delegation of Brazilian Representatives at the International Investigation Committee that will be held in Port Prince between September 16th and 20th. The event is organized by Haitian civil society organizations.

The alleged situation of generalized public insecurity, which would justify the maintenance of the military troops, is not consistent with reality, according to the Haitian unionists. "The violence increases only when the period of renewal of the troops’ permanence approaches, in October. In other periods, normality prevails. If there was uncertainty, it would be virtually impossible to move throughout a country of which 80% of the unemployed population lives in misery”, said Dukens, reminding that the violence rates are even lower than in some regions of Brazil and neighbor countries.

The Deputies pledged to present requirements for holding a public hearing on Haiti’s situation – especially in what concerns the acting of Brazil in Minustah – and will suggest to the Chamber the participation of Brazilian Representatives in the International Investigation Committee.

From the Newsroom/PCS
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Thiago L. Capatti