Government submits new proposal on Status of Indigenous People

07/08/2009 13h50
Luiz Alves
indio na câmara-luiz alves 
Indigenous leader visits the Chamber

The Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, delivered today to the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Michel Temer, the new proposal on Status of Indigenous People. The bill had been discussed over the last two years with indigenous communities from several regions of the country. Currently, there is in the Chamber a proposal on Status of Indigenous Societies - Bill 2057/91. The process of this proposal has been paralyzed since 1994, when it was approved by a Special Committee.

Genro said that the new proposal ends with all vestiges of protection and grant full civil capacity to the indigenous, however, without prejudicing the cultural particularities. He emphasized that the proposal is going to modernize the current legislation. The status shall regulate rights and obligations in areas such as demarcation of land, use of forest resources, environmental protection, health, education, productive activities, as well as criminal law and punishment for crimes against Indians.

Temer announced that the Special Committee to discuss the new text is going to be reestablished. The expectation of the entities connected to the indigenous people is that the bill of the Executive becomes a substitutive for the proposal already being analyzed in the Chamber.

Nowadays the rights of the indigenous people are regulated by Law 6,001/73. The entities that represent the indigenous communities claim that this law is lagged and presents a discriminatory view regarding the indigenous peoples.

Reporting - Geórgia Moraes/The Chamber's Radio Station
Edition – Paulo Cesar Santos
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei