Floor approves new safeguards against sea accidents

14/08/2009 05h55

Today, the Floor of the Chamber approved the Proposal to Legislative Decree 1048/08 that ratifies amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS). By defending the provision, the party leaders remarked that the increase of security for the duties in the sea is urgent. The Bill, approved on July by the Chamber Committees, proceeds for Senate's analysis.

The amendments adapt the rules in force to new situations related to trading ships and its crews, considering technological innovations and other changes in the industry. The main changes aim to reduce the occurrence of sea accidents, especially those that may result in pollution by oil.

The amendments have a completely technical point of view and represent an effort to the international standardization of procedures. The amendments’ text defines weight and load standards, such as the use of water to supply oil ships.


Reporting - Marcello Larcher
Edition - Pierre Triboli
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Vanessa Aylanak