Donation of R$ 13.6 million to combat AIDS in Mozambique is approved

28/08/2009 10h05
Preventing the mother-child transmission

On Tuesday (25), the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved, in conclusive nature, the Bill of Law 4145/08, of the Executive Branch, that authorizes the donation of R$ 13.6 million to Mozambique, by the Ministry of Health. According to the proposal, the resources shall be used in the first phase of installation of an antiretroviral plant and other medicines to combat AIDS in the capital of the country, Maputo.

Now, the bill will be sent to Senate, unless there is no resource for voting by The Floor of the Chamber.

The proposal’s rapporteur, Deputy Sandro Mabel (PR-GO), suggested the bill’s approval, but he did an exception: "The instrument to be signed between two countries for the execution of the donation shall establish the contractual reversion in favor of Brazil, in the event that Mozambique does not address the foreseen purpose".

Reporting - Edvaldo Fernandes
Edition - Marcos Rossi
Translation-Grupo Solucion-SP Language Center