Creation of a supranational court in Mercosur may take 10 years

28/08/2009 10h15

The creation of a supranational court in the Mercosur block may not be accomplished in a deadline of at least ten years, although it has been established by Paraguay as a requirement for the acceptance of a criterion of proportionality that provides to Brazil, from 2010, 37 seats in the Mercosur Parliament and 75 seats from 2014.

The forecast was accomplished by Deputy Dr. Rosinha (PT-PR), in the chat with Internet users, in which the topic was the elections in the Parlasur, accomplished by the Chamber of Deputies News Agency, Wednesday (26) in the morning.

Mercosur already owns an arbitral court - the Permanent Court of Revision (TPR) that deals with the divergences between the member states of the block (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay). This venue, however, is considered inadequate to the legal relations between companies or private interests, since it involves government policies.

Something that has been debated, now, is the creation of a Court of Appeals of the Mercosur. The creation of the court, with linked decisions, is the major claim from Paraguay in the negotiations for the establishment of the criterion of representativity in the Mercosur Parliament. However, before a regional law is established, the creation of a Court could be considered rash or innocuous.

Reporting - Rejane Xavier
Edition - Wilson Silveira
Translation-Grupo Solucion-SP Language Center