Chamber wraps up the approval of the General Law of Tourism

20/08/2009 17h20

The deputies brought the approval of an amendment from the senate to a close this Wednesday (12), the vote for the Bill 3118/08 of the Executive Branch. It will now be up for Presidential sanction. Known as the General Law of Tourism, the text orders new rules directed towards the hotel sector, the tourist transport sector and sectors from other tourist services. The amendment from the Senate reduces the maximum fine from 3 Million Reais to 1 Million Reais as the amount that can be applied by the general law’s scope.

In accordance with the substitutive from deputy Marcelo Teixeira (PR-CE), approved by the Chamber on June 25th, any tourist service supplier that acts to bring foreign tourists will have the right to fiscal benefits, credit lines and existing official financing in order to promote exportation. This was one of the main contributions from the house on the subject.

The amendment by Deputy Otávio Leite (PSDB-RJ) classifies this activity as a means for exportation involving lodgings, receptive tourist agencies, and organizers and administrators for fairs, events, congresses and akin.

The Senate’s amendment for the maximum fine realizes the agreement made in the house during the first vote on the project. The fine will have values from 350 Reais to 1 million reais, given the observation of contradictory and ample defense.

Other penalties that are still in place are the warning through writing; the cancellation of classification; the banning of a place, activity, installation, business establishment, albeit entrepreneurial or equipment; and the cancellation of registration.

The proposal still demands that all tourist service providers register themselves at the Ministry of Tourism. The registration is valid for two years and if the tourist service provider is not registered, there will be a fine and a ban on the establishment until complete regularization takes place. The demand is also applied to branches.

The registration is optional for restaurants, convention centers, marinas, vehicle renters for tourists and other activities that correlate to the sector, in accordance with the conditions that apply to them.

Reporting - Eduardo Piovesan
Editing - Maria Clarice Dias
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Patrick Richard Swan