Chamber approves donation of R$ 25 million to Palestine

21/08/2009 15h15

The Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship (CCJ) approved on Tuesday (18) Proposed Law 4760/09, from Executive Branch, which allows the Brazilian government to donate up to R$ 25 million to the National Palestinian Authority in order to rebuild the Gaza Strip.

The region was the scene of the war between Israel and Palestinian movement Hamas in the 2008-2009 period. The conflict that has caused extensive damage in the Gaza Strip killed roughly 1.3 million Palestinians and 13 Israelis.

The project, which is being conclusive, had already been approved by the Foreign Relations and National Defense and Finance and Taxation. If do not have resources to ensure its analysis in The Floor of the Chamber, the project proceeds directly to Senate.

The deputy Marcelo Itagiba (PMDB-RJ) has presented separating vote against this project, arguing that Brazil does not have money to donate to Palestine. According to him, the providence adopted by the government, of cancelling R$25 million for the building of an annex to the Palácio do Itamaray to make this donation, is unconstitutional.

“The opening of supplementary and special credits is possible, yes, but requires resources which are not committed to”, he said. “My interposition is strictly technique”, said the representative who is Jewish and was the only one voting against the project.

However, other deputies also criticized the donation, but CCJ analyzed only the formal aspects of the matter. Carlos Willian (PTC-MG), e.g. said that Brazil “should not have to take money from the Brazilian people to give to other countries." “Firstly we need to care about to our country. If we take care of those around us and who are starving, we will be doing, in fact, a good service to humanity," he said.

The deputy José Genoíno (PT-SP) said that the government must complimented for removing the resources for the construction of an annex of the building of Itamaray to give it to Palestine. Such initiative, according to him, is "humanitarian".

Luiz Couto (PT-PB) said that the donation is justifiable and that the work of the Ministry of Foreign Relations will not be affected. “This is a humanitarian gesture because many residents of the Gaza Strip have been lost their homes.
The government said it will conduct a project of an additional credit to replace the amount which will be withdrawn [from Itamaraty]”, he said.


Reporting – Edvaldo Fernandes
Edition – Newton Araújo
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Edgar Casadei