CCJ approves a cultural cooperation agreement with Lithuania

13/08/2009 19h00

On Tuesday (4), the Committee on the Constitution and Justice and Citizenship approved the Proposal to Legislative Decree 1620/09, from the Committee on Foreign Relations and National Defence, which ratifies a cultural cooperation agreement with Lithuania.

Signed in Brasília, on July 16, 2008, the agreement aims to promote cultural values and straiten, in mutual benefit, the friendship and understanding bonds. The exchange of experiences and accomplishments is predicted regarding cinema, fine arts, theater and music, besides easiness for research in institutes, archives, libraries and museums.

The rappporteur, Deputy Pastor Pedro Ribeiro by the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party of Ceará (PMDB-CE) presented an opinion in favor of the approval.

In process
Subject to analysis by the Floor, the project is being examined also by the Committee on Education and Culture, where the opinion from the rapporteur Bel Mesquita (PMDB-PA) is expected.

Reporting – Luiz Claudio Pinheiro
Edition – Marcos Rossi
Translation - Grupo Solucion-SP Language/Maria Carolina M. Ogata